Rocky Mountain Lodge Blog
Recipe Category: Fruit Dishes

Early summer brings a harvest of strawberries galore! There’s nothing more comforting than old-fashioned Strawberry
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This Lemon Fruit Dip is easy to make, and is a great addition to fruit. I like to make it for brunches and for tea parties.
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There are so many different types of fruits out there, and we love pretty much all of them. At the Bed and Breakfast we ran
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I’m not a Grapefruit fan, unless it’s cooked this way! When I served grapefruit this way at the Bed and
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This chutney is delicious on so many things, and so easy to make! Pour it over a block of softened cream cheese or ice
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These Maple Poached Pears on a Bed of Vanilla Yogurt are so comforting on a cold day. I served them at the Bed and Breakfast
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Peach Cobbler is one of those late summertime favorites. I get bushes of Colorado Palisade peaches directly from the orchard
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Summertime is ripe with lots of mouthwatering fruit. Watermelon is one of those sweet, juicy summer fruits that all of us
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I received this recipe from a fellow innkeeper a number of years ago when they brought it to a potluck I was hosting at the
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I absolutely LOVE peaches! And I get several bushels of them from White Orchards in Palisade, Colorado every summer and go
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Around the middle of August every year we start getting shipments of peaches from a Colorado Orchard in Palisade, and
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I found this recipe in a Bed and Breakfast cookbook a number of years ago and have been making it for our guests for several
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